
    Fun Day

    Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVS) schools conduct Funday activities on Saturdays to help students develop a new outlook on life and learning, and to motivate them towards learning. Some activities that may be included in Funday are:

    • Dancing, Skits, Music games, Sports, Mental math, Drawing and coloring, Craftwork, Outdoor games, and Story narration.
    • Here are some other things to know about Funday activities in KVS:
    • KVS guidelines state that every Saturday is reserved for Funday.
    • A timetable for Funday activities is prepared in block periods.
    • Parents and skilled people are sometimes invited to demonstrate activities.
    • The purpose of Funday is to nurture children at a young age, bring out their hidden talents, and promote their all-round development.